Three Reasons Why You Should Lose Weight

Self-care isn't selfish You're not alone if you're a woman struggling with your weight. Many women face weight issues and find it challenging to lose weight. Often, they devise excuses to avoid weight loss, lacking the motivation to follow through. If you're one of them, keep reading. Here are three reasons you should lose weight, which could motivate you to achieve your weight loss goals. 1. Appearance While many women are content with their appearance, some are dissatisfied. If you are one of those who feel unhappy with the way you look, losing weight could be an option to consider. Even a tiny amount of weight loss can significantly improve your self-image and how others perceive you. If you find it challenging to look at yourself in the mirror every morning, consider weight loss to improve your self-esteem. 2. Health Obesity is a serious health concern that can lead to various complications, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and even premature death. If you are

Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

 Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
Our modern diet primarily consists of excessive consumption of starch, sugar, fried and fatty foods.

A new pill or medicine will ‘instantly cure’ your sickness, disease, or health issue everywhere you look.  And while taking a drug to cure what ails you might be convenient and simple, maybe it’s time to sit down and take a good, long look at what you’re feeding your body, or as it might be, not feeding your body.  Are you giving your body the nutrients it needs to care for itself?  When we look at what we’ve been eating, most of us find that the choices we’ve been making in the name of convenience, simplicity, or saving time have been detrimental to our overall health – body, mind, and spirit. 

Our modern diet primarily consists of excessive consumption of starch, sugar, fried and fatty foods. As a result, diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, and some cancers are becoming more and more common.

Healthy foods and good nutrition can not only help keep you fit but treat disease as well. You may not even have to go to a health food store. You can purchase them at your grocery store or local farmer’s market. If you focus on basing a healthy, well-balanced diet on the “Superfoods,stop or reverse. 

And when you nourish your body physically with these nutrient-dense foods, your mental capacities increase, and your spiritual wellness is enhanced as well.  In addition, since your spiritual health is optimal, it will shine through to the outside, and people will notice you’re happy and calm, and your stress levels will decrease dramatically. 

So look for ways to cut the junk out of your daily eating and replace it with members of the Superfoods group.  Your body, mind, and spirit will all be healthier as a direct result.